
Liz and I decided that we REALLY like bananas. So being us, we decided to go on a banana only diet for four days. We are doing this … coz why not? If you would like to join in, please do so 🙂

You can find Liz on such exciting websites as YouTube and Facebook. Liz is awesome. Be like Liz.

The rulez:

  1. Starts Monday 2017-03-13 11:00 UTC (noon Berlin time, midnight Kiwi time).
  2. Food allowed: Bananas (green, yellow, cooked, uncooked, frozen, whatever you like really, just so long as it’s only bananas), no toppings.
  3. Drinks allowed: Black coffee (no sugar), sugar free cola and/or water.
  4. Ends Thursday 2017-03-17 11:00 UTC (noon Berlin time, midnight Kiwi time).

Note: We reserve the right to change the rules to whatever we damn well please 😛

Apparently we need to eat around 24 normal sized bananas to meet our daily caloric intake.
That would give us 73 g of fiber for the day, so we should be quite “regular” 😉 Our total fat intake per day will be only 8 g, but we’ll still get 31 g of protein which should be sufficient.

Will we die of a potassium overdose? No. The recommended optimal intake of potassium per day is around 5 g, and we will be consuming around 10 g.

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