Grunewald hike

Apartment after a spruce up

Medovik torta

Medovik torta is a traditional Russian dessert I learned about a long time ago from a close friend from Kazakhstan. Years later, I experienced it with another person from Kazakhstan when we found it in a random cafe in Berlin πŸ™‚


I can relate to this well. It reminds me of how I felt throughout much of my life. I still do feel this quite often, but time has helped me learn how to figure out what the rest of you nutters mean sometimes.

Found thanks to Leah Marie Zeppos.

Grunewald – new route, with biergarten stop

This is a copy/paste of hiking instructions I use when organising hikes in Grunewald forest

This is the same forest many have you have joined me for hikes on before, but a totally different route.

We start at S Grunewald at 11:00am (look for the mob of hikers), then head straight into the forest. We meander our way through the forest, then head down the hill to the der Havel river, and follow the coast until heading back up the hill to stop for a lunch break at a biergarten.

From the biergarten, we’re heading back into the forest around the small lake of Barsee and meander our way through the forest to Schlachtensee. This is perfect spot to stop for a swim if you like, but the S-bahn is also nearby for those who need to head off. Anyone who likes, is welcome to join me at the restaurant at Schlachtensee too.

Here is an approximate route:,+14193+Berlin,+Germany/52.4915277,13.2057927/52.4875571,13.1914284/Grunewaldturm,+Havelchaussee,+Berlin,+Germany/52.4844466,13.2142582/52.4755803,13.2151464/52.4586644,13.2065799/52.4403528,13.2027128/52.4448874,13.227253/S+Schlachtensee+(Berlin)/@52.4409957,13.1865751,13z/data=!4m47!4m46!1m5!1m1!1s0x47a8574c75d307eb:0x238a6dedf1a2520!2m2!1d13.2616034!2d52.4884543!1m0!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d13.1919338!2d52.4780555!3s0x47a85829f135fcbb:0x94514f31116f6e8e!1m10!1m1!1s0x47a8582af6732f53:0xde0584b82fbbf7c6!2m2!1d13.1967959!2d52.4782329!3m4!1m2!1d13.198604!2d52.4790631!3s0x47a8582a973c2bb1:0x3d3ccbaeac2977d4!1m0!1m0!1m10!3m4!1m2!1d13.2120279!2d52.456167!3s0x47a859b8a11731b9:0x7ac9472f99adc482!3m4!1m2!1d13.2026639!2d52.4432522!3s0x47a859a59e4dd651:0xaab2dcfd725a0406!1m0!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47a8599f4c6a09e7:0xf09270bb569640c4!2m2!1d13.2148396!2d52.439978!3e2


Meeting point: Grunewald S-Bahn station (the mob of hikers should be easy to find

Time: 11:00am sharp

Distance: ~ 19 km (approx. 4.5 hours journey at a slow pace)

Return journey: S-Bahn from Schlachtensee S-bahn station

Bring: A good attitude πŸ™‚

Cost: You will need money if you want to buy food or drink at the biergarten.

Cancellation: The trip will be happening rain, hail or snow πŸ˜€ Remember to change your RSVP if you want to pull out.

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Note that attendance is entirely at your own risk.

Since there are often many people attending, it is not possible for the organiser to keep track of everybody, so it is important to make sure you don’t get lost. Grunewald is a very small forest, so If you do get lost, just keep heading in one direction and you will eventually hit civilisation πŸ˜€

Would you like to organise a hike? If so, please get in touch! We always love to have new organisers, and if you aren’t sure what is required, just ask and we are happy to provide assistance with anything you may like to know.