Journey to our role in the world

You can’t have an easy life in a great character show. Show me a trust fund kid that inherited a bunch of money, and I’ll show you someone mentally tortured. Having stuff isn’t fun; getting stuff is fun, right? It’s not the pursuit of happiness; it’s the happiness of the pursuit, right? It’s just that thing. And it’s not like, you know, the self-help saying “it’s not the journey, it’s the destination.” It’s not either the journey or the destination; it’s who you become on the journey. And here’s the terrible thing about life: it’s self-assignment. I don’t think you get self-esteem from the six-pack you get at the gym; I think you get self-esteem from being the kind of person that goes to the gym every day. You get better at it. The weight doesn’t get lighter; your back gets stronger. It’s the hero’s journey, and you’re on a journey to do something, to become something. Right? What are you doing here? What’s your role in the world? – Jimmy Carr

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