New experimental Huel bar recipe

Huel - Vanilla 2.0    150 g
81% Chocolate         25 g
Orange Juice          100 mL
Creatine Monohydrate  5 g
Apple sauce           50 g
Magnesium Citrate     3.6 g
Sucralose             0.5 g
                      367 g

Nutrition (100 g serving):
Calories   Carbs  Sugar   Fat    Sat. fat  Protein
220 kcal   21 g	  5 g     8 g    3 g       13 g

38 Carbs : 23% Protein : 33% Fat

2 thoughts on “New experimental Huel bar recipe

  1. Oliver says:

    Are the creatine and magnesium essential to this recipe or just supplements that you wanted to add for profile?

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