Norwegian language homework

I’m really stuck on this stuff. If you know what I have and haven’t gotten correct, please lemme know 😀

EDIT: Thanks to Bjørn for helping out 🙂

mine is plaural, mi is feminine, min is masculine, mitt is neutral.

  • I jula besøker jeg familien min
  • I barndomshjemmet min feirer vi jula på tradisjonell
    I barndomshjemmet mitt feirer vi jula på tradisjonell
  • Foreldrene min liker å få besøk 
    Foreldrene mine liker å få besøk
  • Mora mi lager masse god mat til oss, og faren mitt pynter et stort juletre i stua
    Mora mi lager masse god mat til oss, og faren min pynter et stort juletre i stua

I’m kinda baffled as to how mi, min, mitt and mine are meant to be used 🙁

Some discussion of this can be found on my Facebook profile …

4 thoughts on “Norwegian language homework

  1. anita says:

    As far as I understand you have to know your masc, fem, neutral for all nouns then match accordingly. At least plural requires no memorisation, except when the plural has an exceptional ending, in which case you have memorise those plural words too.

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