Beetroot juice

I heard that beetroot juice was ridiculously healthy. It sounded nasty, but people claimed it tasted great, so I decided to buy some. It does not task great; it tastes nasty! In an attempt to improve the vile taste, I added a crap-ton of vanilla flavoured whey powder and a bunch of strawberries. It’s now slightly more palatable, but I have three times the amount of liquid to consume now :/

Do any of you have any great suggestions on how to make this crap taste less like something which should stay in the ground where it came from?

Beetroot strawberry smoothie

2 thoughts on “Beetroot juice

  1. Tania Kerr says:

    Beetroot is one of those foods I have on hand permanently in my fridge!! When it’s in season I bulk up on It. In summer I grow it myself!! It’s one of those foods that is so versatile and I have had so much fun experimenting with it!! When I first cooked with beetroot I did the simple thing of roasting , or steaming then moved on to making my famous relish that is a delight to eat so many ways! As a relish its great with steak, on a cheese board and also wonderful in burgers, salads or pitas!!

    Just recently Iv discovered eating it raw and this is how I find I enjoy it more!! I invested in a juicer and it’s now my best friend! It’s a ritual now to have a beetroot juice on a daily basis!! My favourite beetroot juice combo is with carrots, fresh ginger and apple or orange. Or all of the above with the addition of spinach, and celery! I find one of these power juices gets me through the day or if I have one later in the day it stops me from wanting to eat something I shouldn’t be!!
    If I’m not juicing beetroot I’m grating it and adding it to salads or throwing it into slaw. I find when it comes to cooking there are no limits and experimenting is the key to new creations!
    I hope with these suggestions you won’t bag beetroot all together and do eventually grow to like it!!

    • I’ve started to get used to it now 🙂 I was gagging trying to guzzle down 250 mL the first time I tried it, but I’m not downing 500 mL each day voluntarily 🙂

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