Apparently I should pay more attention to my Twitter feed, as I missed this when it was released.
It’s always important to have compassion, even for those who appear at odds with your own values. Something led them to where they are in life. Perhaps we would all end up in the same situation if we were in the exact same scenario. – Ryan Hellyer
Artwork from 1985
How to deal with antivaxxers
The problem is partially that many people are as thick as a post, but we knew that before the pandemic. IMHO, the core problem is that society has created a scenario in which the general public have lost trust in the authorities. I think we should focus on fixing the underlying issue of many political decisions (including those pre-COVID) being made based on political whims rather than what is best for society. Stopping anti-vax propaganda may help the immediate problem, but it’s just a bandaid on a gaping wound. – Ryan Hellyer