Oslo Sentrumsløpet

Six months ago, I set a fitness goal of beating my time of 53.5 minutes in the Oslo Sentrumsløpet, 10 km running race held in Oslo each yet. So I headed back to Oslo, but a combination of snow, overheating, hay fever and perhaps a lower level of fitness than I should have, led to me not beating that time :/ My time was 54 minutes 39 seconds. They at least gave me a medal for it though 🙂


My next goal is run in the Potsdam half marathon on June. That should be fairly straightforward as I only intend to run it, and am not aiming to beat any particular time (2 hours is a vague goal, but I have no idea if that is realistic or not since I’ve never timed myself over the distance before).

Edit: The Potsdam half marathon never happened because Mo, who I was going to run in it with, pulled out.

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