My vision of 2030

A debate on Facebook with Mauritius Seegar made me offer my own opinion on the world in 2030. The debate was based on a presentation by Tony Seba in Oslo Norway, where he suggested that all vehicles (or at least most) would be electric and fully automated by 2030.

by 2030 all vehicles (cars, buses, trucks) will be electric, self-driving and ride sharing – Tony Seba 2016

My estimate, is that 20 to 80% of all cars will be electric and fully automated by 2030, but that a lot of countries will lag long behind on the implementation of automated cars, because of finances, entrenched market forces, apathy, legal issues, distrust of automated vehicles and existing fleets still being usable. I suspect some countries will totally switch over and never look back though.

Note for future me: This was based on about 5 mins of thought whilst geeking out at Herman Schulz.

Facebook events alternative

I organise a lot of events (hiking, biking, skating etc) inside Facebook events. I have always used Facebook, because of course everyone on planet earth is on Facebook.
I then moved to Berlin and found out that many (most?) Berliners are petrified of Facebook. This puts me in a bind, as Facebook is excellent for handling events, notifications, location, start times, photos etc.
So I’m looking for another platform which gives me the benefits of Facebook events, but without requiring a login. Do any of you know of alternative free platforms which would suit my needs?


Tools menu on

Sometimes when I create an event on, the tools menu is present, and sometimes not. Any ideas on why this is the case?

I really need access to that, so that I can edit the number of members who can attend. I usually want to cap it at about 70’ish, but today I want it even lower, around 25 (limited by the number of people who can fit on a ferry).


This is it with the tools menu present


Here, there is no tools menu present

Oslo Sentrumsløpet

Six months ago, I set a fitness goal of beating my time of 53.5 minutes in the Oslo Sentrumsløpet, 10 km running race held in Oslo each yet. So I headed back to Oslo, but a combination of snow, overheating, hay fever and perhaps a lower level of fitness than I should have, led to me not beating that time :/ My time was 54 minutes 39 seconds. They at least gave me a medal for it though 🙂


My next goal is run in the Potsdam half marathon on June. That should be fairly straightforward as I only intend to run it, and am not aiming to beat any particular time (2 hours is a vague goal, but I have no idea if that is realistic or not since I’ve never timed myself over the distance before).

Edit: The Potsdam half marathon never happened because Mo, who I was going to run in it with, pulled out.