SmartSpy RC aircraft

Some of you may have heard that I bought a new Radio Control aircraft the other day. It came with an onboard video camera and even included an SD card. As far as I was aware, this aircraft was “made in Germany”. My German skills must be worse than I thought, as I can’t understand a single word of what these folks are saying from when they tested out the camera on the factory line.

At least I know they have good quality control though, since they tested the camera and all


I learned a new Norwegian word this evening, kebabnorsk. This literally translates to “Kebab Norwegian”, which means the language spoken by people in kebab shops in Norway. I’m pretty sure I’m fluent in kebabnorsk ๐Ÿ™‚

Jeg tror at jeg er flytende pรค kebabnorsk ๐Ÿ™‚
