Venus flytrap flowering

This image of a venus flytrap about to flower really captured my attention today. There’s some truly appealing about it, but I can’t quite pinpoint what.


11 thoughts on “Venus flytrap flowering

    • How did you know I have no life? Have you been stalking me online? And how did you know I have no friends? You are wrong about two things though; I do have a fan, it’s USB powered and is awesome. I bought it on Amazon. Also, it’s not nasty, it’s a beautiful flower.

    • Thank you for informing me of this. You clearly do have a life since you have time to dick around messaging random people posting pictures of flowers online.

    • Gem says:

      Why are you hating on this man? He is just having fun and doing something he enjoys. Seems you are the one with no life. If you do not like it do not look at his page! Thank you and goodbye!

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