Well this was a surprise. It’s not often you see a drug advertised on Facebook and realise that you are partly responsible for it! The chemical used in this “supplement” is MitoQ mesylate. I was the first one to synthesise it in the mesylate form back in 2004 🙂
Beef strokin’ off
Protein bars
“Good design is as little design as possible.”
– some German motherfucker
Encryption is key
Words to live by. pic.twitter.com/scUj5zR9Gb
— Kevin Bankston (@KevinBankston) April 13, 2015
Dance like no one’s watching. Encrypt live everyone is.
Context: Betahaus cafe intercom system was calling out (in English) when meals are ready. All I could hear was “chicken garble garble bla bla”, so I strolled on up to let them know it was inaudible.
Me: “All I can hear is garble”
Cook: “Gabel? Hier ist eine Gabel!”
Me: “No, GARBLE, I can’t hear you!”
Cook: “Ja, ja, hier ist Gabel!”
Me:”No, GARBLE. The audio is bad, no one can hear you.”
Cook: “Ja! Gable ist hier. Siehst du?”
me: “Fuck”
Cook: “?”
me: “Was ist das?” (points to meal on counter)
Cook: “Das ist Frank” (meaning it’s Frank’s meal)
Me: “Danke schön :)”
My tummy is rumbling 😛
The ugliest UI
Flying cow
Islamic flag burning
It’s not often you stumble across a web page explaining how to burn an Islamic flag, and then find your name listed at the footer of the page. This happened to me this evening …
Drunk Google
Go home Google, you are drunk. I viewed the page https://www.google.com/work/search/products/gss.html and got the German language. I couldn’t read some of it, so I changed to a UK based IP and the page wouldn’t load. So I tried a USA based IP and I got the following.
Basing languages off of geolocation is mind numbingly stupid. Don’t do it.
Update: I just noticed there is a select box at the bottom of the page which lets you force the language selection to whatever you desire.