EASY Grunewald loop hike

We start at S Grunewald at 11:00am (look for the mob of hikers standing outside the station), then head straight into the forest. We meander our way through the forest, over Teufelsberg, then head down the hill to the der Havel river, and follow the coast for a bit.

Weather permitting, we will stop by the waters edge for a swim and/or lunch – probably for around an hour depending on weather and group preferences.

From there, we head along the coast a little further, then up the hill to a biergarten (potentially for a beer if it’s open), before heading back into the forest (on a different route) back to S-Grunewald. Any hikers wanting to relax at the end of the trip, should join is in one of the cafes at the end point for a beer/cake/dinner.

Here is the rough route we are following in GPX,
KML and map formats.


Meeting point: Grunewald S-Bahn station (the mob of hikers should be easy to find

Start time: 11:00am sharp
Finish time: No idea, but probably before 17:00

Distance: ~18 km +/- 5 km (it should be close to 18 km, but I haven’t measured it)

Bring: A good attitude πŸ˜€

Cost: Being stuck hiking with an idiot like me πŸ˜›

Cancellation: The trip will be happening rain, hail or snow πŸ˜€ Remember to change your RSVP if you want to pull out.

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Note that attendance is entirely at your own risk.

Please follow all corona-friendly rules/laws when travelling to/from and during the hike. If you turn up sick, be prepared to have stuff thrown at you.

Would you like to organise a hike? If so, please get in touch! We always love to have new organisers, and if you aren’t sure what is required, just ask and we are happy to provide assistance with anything you may like to know.

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