EASY Grunewald loop hike

We start at S Grunewald at 11:00am (look for the mob of hikers standing outside the station), then head straight into the forest. We meander our way through the forest, over Teufelsberg, then head down the hill to the der Havel river, and follow the coast for a bit.

Weather permitting, we will stop by the waters edge for a swim and/or lunch – probably for around an hour depending on weather and group preferences.

From there, we head along the coast a little further, then up the hill to a biergarten (potentially for a beer if it’s open), before heading back into the forest (on a different route) back to S-Grunewald. Any hikers wanting to relax at the end of the trip, should join is in one of the cafes at the end point for a beer/cake/dinner.

Here is the rough route we are following in GPX,
KML and map formats.


Meeting point: Grunewald S-Bahn station (the mob of hikers should be easy to find

Start time: 11:00am sharp
Finish time: No idea, but probably before 17:00

Distance: ~18 km +/- 5 km (it should be close to 18 km, but I haven’t measured it)

Bring: A good attitude 😀

Cost: Being stuck hiking with an idiot like me 😛

Cancellation: The trip will be happening rain, hail or snow 😀 Remember to change your RSVP if you want to pull out.

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Note that attendance is entirely at your own risk.

Please follow all corona-friendly rules/laws when travelling to/from and during the hike. If you turn up sick, be prepared to have stuff thrown at you.

Would you like to organise a hike? If so, please get in touch! We always love to have new organisers, and if you aren’t sure what is required, just ask and we are happy to provide assistance with anything you may like to know.

Müggelsee loop hike

We’re going on a pleasant walk through the beautiful forests around Müggelsee. We will stop somewhere for a swim/picnic. The route is in a loop for those wanting to cycle to the start point to avoid public transport. Most of the route will be under tree cover to keep us cool in this crazy heat 🙂

Start: S Berlin-Friedrichshagen (accessed via S3 from Ostkreuz)
Finish: S Berlin-Friedrichshagen
Distance: ~16 km (+/- 4 km)
Speed: Slow and probably stopping for swimming, picnic etc.
Bring: Food for lunch, water, swimming clothes (optional) and a positive attitude 😀
Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Note that attendance is entirely at your own risk.

The route:
We start at the S Berlin-Friedrichshagen station at 11:00am (can be reached via the S3 which leaves from S Ostkreuz), then meander our way to the Spree where we take a tunnel underneath the water, then walk alongside Müggelsee, before ascenting to the top of Kleiner Müggelberg, then over to Müggelturm (an old East German viewing platform). If time permits we will then visit Teufelssee (the Müggelberg one), otherwise we will head directly over to the local mountain bike track where there is a nice view of the area south of Müggelsee, then onto the Fernsehturm Müggelberge (a TV tower) and then up to Großer Müggelberg, the largest natural “mountain” in Berlin. From there we descend towards Müggelsee again where we will look for a suitable place top stop for lunch and a swim. How long we will stay for swimming is unclear; it depends somewhat on weather, swimming conditions etc. Anyone who doesn’t want to stick around is welcome to head off early (the route back to the S-Bahn station is very easy to follow).

Please follow all corona-friendly rules/laws when travelling to/from and during the hike. If you turn up sick, be prepared to have stuff thrown at you.

Would you like to organise a hike? If so, please get in touch! We always love to have new organisers, and if you aren’t sure what is required, just ask and we are happy to provide assistance with anything you may like to know.

Gdansk apartment

The sweet apartment Lynn and I shared in Gdansk 🙂

Bog roll issues

I have a very first world problem …

Anyone who has been to my apartment will be aware that I like to buy absolutely enormous amounts of toilet paper. Then I never buy any toilet paper for about six months, maybe a year. It’s great. Less shopping and I never run out of bog roll. Sometimes I create a beautiful tower of loo paper which goes all the way to the ceiling. It’s like a work of art made of dunny paper.

But I just ran out and I don’t want everyone to think I’m one of those crazy people stocking up on dunny paper because they’re insane.

To bulk buy like I normally do, or not to bulk buy? #decisions

Art in 1994

14 year old me thought this was a stunning piece of artwork. I hadn’t seen it again until now. Not the monstrosity I suspected it was in reality, but definitely not the object of perfection I recalled it as.

I didn’t think I would ever see it again, but for some reason I suddenly remembered this evening that it was built by Ford, and a quick Google search for “Ford concept car 1994” found it immediately 🙂 It was called the Ford Ariosa and was never put into production.